Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Download 11t for Android Free

Download 11t for Android Free

Make the most of Mastodon from a sober interface thanks to 11t, a client for this open-source social network that makes use of decentralized servers 

App Information

App: 11t for Android

Version: Updated

Size: 9 MB

This is app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

11t for Android

Mastodon is the microblogging social network with decentralized servers that intends to compete against Twitter, offering as a very similar format. Although there are differences regarding the bird's social network mainly because its users connect to instances and their toots can reach 500 characters, and there's no such thing as an official client. A sober client for Mastodon That's why different third parties have developed different clients for Mastodon to allow its users to go online, being one of them this 11t, that allows us to use the social network rather comfortably. For such purpose, it offers us an interface with a sober and clear design from which we can read all the contents without any distractions. To be able to use this app, we simply have to input the instance of our choice (we can check the list of instances available on Google) and then our user data. From there on, we'll be able to publish, follow other users, share contents, check the service's notifications...  

Toot on Mastodon with this client 

Size: 9 MB | OS: Android  | Status: FREE 

Download 11t for Android here